Local Community Partners
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Connecticut Foodshare supports individuals and families – from one end of the state to the other – by addressing root causes, creating long-term solutions, and distributing nutritious food through local partner programs in an effort to alleviate hunger.
Connecticut Foodshare provides resources to a combined network of more than 700 partner programs, including food pantries, meal programs, and mobile distributions.
New Covenant partners with Connecticut Foodshare to distribute food boxes to low income seniors, and obtains food for our dinners from Foodshare..
Our Mission
Our mission is to create opportunities for people to achieve lasting change in their lives through the collaborative work of churches and organizations in our local community.
Our Vision
Our vision is to see people become spiritually, physically, economically and socially healthy and whole as God intended.
New Covenant participates in various programs offered by Urban Alliance
East Hartford
Hunger Action Team (HAT)
Civic, government and religious groups coming together to combat hunger. Members of New Covenant are part of the team.
See East Hartford HAT's Facebook page for more information:
World Vision is an international partnership of Christians whose mission is to follow our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in working with the poor and oppressed to promote human transformation, seek justice, and bear witness to the good news of the Kingdom of God.
We are called to serve the people in greatest need around the world, to relieve their suffering and to promote the transformation of their condition of life.
New Covenant is a Partner that receives various food and merchandise to distribute to those in need who we come in contact with.