New Covenant United Methodist Church was organized in July of 2006 after two East Hartford
United Methodist congregations, Burnside UMC and Hockanum UMC, prayerfully decided to form a new church. We are part of the New England Conference of the United Methodist Church and in the Seacoast District.
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New Covenant is located on the corner of Burnside Avenue and Church Street. We are in a diverse neighborhood that includes Saint Rose Roman Catholic Church and the Qardaryia Community Center, the worship and education home for many Muslim neighbors. Together, New Covenant, Saint Rose and the Qardayia Community offer a unique opportunity for ecumenical and interfaith ministries. New Covenant is also located in the midst of a number of small business, public institutions, multi-family housing units and single family homes. We are truly blessed by our location and look forward to contributing along with our neighbors to the well-being of the community.
Our Mission
The mission of New Covenant United Methodist Church is to “create and nurture disciples of Jesus Christ through work in our local church, local community, and global community.” We are a worshiping community committed to serving and reaching out to our neighbors near and far. We would be blessed to have you join us in this mission! Please journey through our website and contact us with any questions.
Meet Reverend Althea Jackson,
Rev. Althea Jackson was born in New Jersey and raised in the Boston area. She was a part of the efforts to integrate The Boston Public Schools through the busing programs Operation Exodus and METCO. Her first love is teaching. The first phase of her career was teaching preschool children at the private Christian School sponsored by her local church Saint Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church.She received her calling to Christian ministry at Saint Paul. Althea attended Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary which she earned a Master of Divinity. She has pastored churches in the southeastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island areas for the majority of her career. Some of these churches include Bethel AME of Fall River, MA, Plymouth MA, and Bethel AME of Providence. Her ministry led her to begin service in the United Methodist church in early 2000’s. During her tenure in Rhode Island, she has served in the Providence area at Trinity United Methodist Church including her most recent appointment in East Providence, RI.
She is an avid reader of both nonfiction and fiction books. She mostly loves science fiction and fantasy as well as historical fiction and non-fiction. She enjoys crafting, crocheting, drawing painting, and quilting.
But her ultimate love is being shepherd to fellow Christians of all ages and stages as they live out their Christian journey and discover the riches of a relationship with Jesus Christ.
We hope you will come and meet Pastor Althea.
New England Conference Center
411 Merrimack Street | Suite 200 |
Methuen, MA 01844
Phone: 978-682-7676 | Fax: 978-682-8227

Reverend David Calhoun
Seacoaast District Superintendent
Bishop Sudarshana Devadhar,